Mongolian throat singing – What things do you need to know?

In this blog post, I’ll be talking about a little known singing technique that is called Mongolian Throat Singing.

This technique has been around for centuries and involves making two sounds at the same time – one sound is made by the throat while the other sound comes from your mouth.

It can take years of practice to master this skill, but it will definitely make you stand out among all the other singers!

Table of Contents

The history of Mongolian throat singing.

Mongolian Throat Singing has been around for centuries and is used by mongols in their ceremonies.

It is believed that mongolian throat singing started out as a way for mongols to keep in touch with each other while they were on horseback, as mongols are big on long distance communication.

When mongols go out for a ride into the wilderness, they would often leave their family and loved ones behind at home.

To keep in touch with each other, mongolian throat singing is used by mongols to communicate over large distances.

A mongol can sing a particular note and use that note to signal his companions (who are also trained in mongolian throat singing) where he is in case one of them gets lost.

As mongolia became more modernised, this skill was no longer needed since people started using cellphones or radios to communicate with each other.

This meant that mongolian throat singers slowly started disappearing, leaving mongolian throat singing as a forgotten and rare skill.

However, mongolian throat singing was brought back into the mainstream when mongolia started to host international events like their first Asian championship in mongolian throat singing (2009) or the 2010 winter olympics which were hosted in mongolia for the first time ever!

This had led to many mongols travelling around different countries to spread the art of mongolian throat singing!

How does mongolian throat singing work? (technical explanation)

Mongolian Throat Singing allows you to make two sounds at the same time – one sound comes from your mouth while another sound comes from your throat.

To do mongolian throat singing, you first have to learn how to make a mongolian “ee” sound, which is usually very difficult for non mongols to do.

When mongols are beginning mongolian throat singing, they will often practise using instruments made especially for mongolian throat singing.

These instruments can help mongols learn how to make these sounds and eventually master this skill!

The mongs also sing into a hand held fan-like instrument called a ‘khoomii’ or change their voice into different pitches with an instrument called a ‘morin khoor’.

As mongs grow more skilled at this skill however, they no longer need these instruments and can mongolian throat sing directly into their mouth.

Inventing mongolian throat singing! (instrumental mongolian throat singing)

As I’ve mentioned earlier, mongs usually learn mongolian throat singing using hand held instruments called ‘khoomii’ or ‘morin khoor’.

This makes it much easier for mongs to control the sound that they are making.

Mongolian throat singing today

Today, mongols are travelling all over the world to show mongolian throat singing to people of different races and cultures! This is a really good way for mongs to earn money.

With mongolian throat singing recognised as an official olympic event, mongs have been seen performing mongolian throat singing during olympic medal ceremonies!

As singers want to demonstrate their best vocal acrobatics, it will only be a matter of time before we see mongolian throat singing being performed on stage by popular singers as well (see this compilation video below)!

Some famous mongs include:

Airagsalai who teaches mongolian arts in mongolia, mamo mongs who travel all over the world to spread mongolian throat singing and Korbyn mongs who has been featured on Oprah! 

In mongolia, mongols will celebrate mukhoor day in October.

This is a time where mongs that have learned mongolian throat singing get together and sing for one another.

It’s really fun watching them perform mongolian throat singing live because you can see how passionate they are about their art!

Mukhoor day is an important event since it allows mongs to come together and practise with other people and exchange ideas.

They get to do this without getting judged by others (the way they would be if they were performing mongolian throat singing around other mongs).

Types of throat singing.

There are many types of mongolian throat singing, from mongolian throat singing for mukhoor or mongolian throat singing for mokhoor.

mongols will also use mongolian throat singing as a way to pray.

mongs believe by mongolian throat singing they can honour their mongolian ancestors, as mongolian throat singing is an art that mongs have been doing for many centuries, so they are very proud of it.

mongols also believe mongolian throat singing can be used as an effective weapon to defend themselves against other people (and animals like wolves and bears) by mongols who know mongolian throat singing.

See mongolian throat singing in action! (video mongolian throat singing)

Here’s a cool compilation video of mongs mongolian throat singing, some of them are the best singers from their country:

How to do Mongolian throat singing.

When you want to practise mongolian throat singing, mongs will put a small round wooden stick called the “bird’s tongue” or mongolian throat singing “baidag” into their mouths.

Mongs will usually put it in the side of their mouth as this is the easiest way for mongols to get a clear sound when mongolian throat singing, but mongs can also put it over their top teeth if they want to mongolian throat sing more quietly!

When mongs mongolian throat sing, mongs will mongolian throat sing mongolian-style music (also known as mukhoor or ekhi) by singing the lyrics of mongolian songs backwards.

Using an instrument to make mongolian throat singing sound more clear and beautiful.

In mongolia, mongs will use an instrument called the ‘Morin Khoor’ to mongolian throat sing mukhoor.

Mongs will usually place it in their mouth with a small stick between their molars.

This helps mongs to get a clear sound when they’re mongolian throat singing mukhoor.

It’s important mongs keep the mongolian throat singing “baidag” in their mouth and just breathe into mongolian throat singing “morin khoor”, so mongs can get a beautiful sound while mongolian throat singing mukhoor with only one mongolian throat singing mukhoor instrument.

Mongs won’t mongolian throat sing mukhoor with the morin khoor if mongs don’t have a “baidag” in their mouth when mongols are mongolian throat singing mukhoor, because the mongolian throat singing sound will be muddled and mongs won’t get that mongolian throat singing mukhoor sound.

It’s important mongs to sing mongolian songs mongolian-style (backwards) while mongols are mongolian throat singing mukhoor, because this will give mongs a beautiful clear sound when mongs mongolian throat sing mukhoor.

Mongs will mongolian throat sing mukhoor just like mongs have been doing it for many centuries, only they will be using the morin khoor to give mongols a beautiful sound when they mongolian throat sing mukhoor.

Why you should try it out for yourself.

The reason why you should try it out for yourself is mongolian throat singing is unlike any other type of music you’ve heard before because It is one of the best exercise to improve your voice strength.

What are the benefits of practicing this art form.

Benefits Of Practicing: Mongolian Throat Singing

1. You Can Increase Your Lung Capacity And Breathing Endurance.

If you have ever tried breathing exercises before, you probably noticed that it makes you feel more relaxed and calm.

That is what happens when you sing Mongolian throat singing, because it puts your body in a deep breathing state.

This can be very beneficial to you, especially if you have asthma or any type of trouble with your lungs.

2. It Helps You Manage Stress And Depression.

So many people these days suffer from anxiety or depression.

When you are feeling stressed out, a great way to help deal with your feelings is to get in touch with the natural world around you.

Singing Mongolian throat singing will put you into a relaxed state and make you feel refreshed afterword, which can be very beneficial to alleviate depression or anxiety.

3. It Increases Your Confidence.

When you sing Mongolian throat singing on a regular basis, you will realize that it helps your confidence.

You become more self-assured and feel better about yourself, which can help in any kind of social situation.

4. It Helps You Sleep Better.

If singing sounds like a good way to relax before you go to bed, then Mongolian throat singing is going to be perfect for you.

The reason for that is the deep breathing state that you enter when you are singing Mongolian throat singing, helps to relax your body and put it in a good mood before you go to sleep.

5. It Is An Excellent Workout.

When you sing Mongolian throat singing, it tones different muscles in your body.

Mainly your face is used the most, but you also use your shoulders, arms and torso.

The breathing techniques that you learn while singing Mongolian throat singing will also work well with other exercises to help tone up different muscles in your body.

6. It Can Help You Lose Weight.

So many people struggle to lose weight, because they are not getting enough exercise.

When you sing Mongolian throat singing, it is like getting a personal trainer that gives you a workout every time you belt out your favorite songs.

You will notice that your muscles are more toned and you feel stronger as well when you combine the breathing techniques with other exercises.

7. It Boosts Your Confidence

If you have ever been to karaoke, you probably noticed that the people who do it all the time are very confident.

This is because singing in front of people helps to boost your self-confidence.

When you realize that you can belt out a tune without getting nervous or thinking about what others may think, it will help to increase how much confidence you have.

8. It Makes You Feel Better And Helps To Relieve Stress.

When you are feeling stressed out, there are few things that can make you feel better more than singing a tune.

Even if you don’t sound good when you first start out, it will help to relieve your stress and put you in a better mood.

After you get used to singing Mongolian throat singing, you will sound amazing and it will always be there to help you feel better.

9. It Helps Improve Your Communication Skills.

When you sing Mongolian throat singing, it is a good way to learn about how your voice sounds different when it comes from the diaphragm rather than speaking.

When you are speaking, it sounds like your voice is coming from your throat.

Singing Mongolian throat singing is a great way to feel the difference and learn how the tones of your voice change depending on where the sound comes from.

10. It Can Help You Live Longer.

So many people think that they have bad breath, but really they just need to brush their tongue more often.

The reason for this is that your mouth builds up a lot of bacteria when you don’t brush, which can lead to sores in the throat.

When you sing regularly, it helps to get rid of these bacteria and keep your breath smelling fresh.

Where can I learn more about it and how to get started with my own practice?

One of the best resources I’ve come across is The Noble Savage, run by a guy named Deering Goodsell.  He has produced a set of DVDs that I’ve found to be very enlightening and inspiring.  They include actual instruction on technique, but also some interviews and a lot of history, philosophy and science.  I highly recommend his DVDs to anyone who is interested in learning to sing this way.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post about Mongolian throat singing and how it differs from other forms of vocalization.

It’s an art form that is often misunderstood, but the benefits are worth considering for any singer or musician looking to improve their sound quality.

If you’re interested in learning more about this old tradition, please visit our website where we have information on everything related to Mongolian throat singing as well as answers to all your questions!

We also offer a wide variety of resources including music tutorials so anyone can learn how to do it.