How To Sing And Play Guitar At The Same Time

I’ve always wanted to learn how to sing and play guitar at the same time.

I finally found a tutorial for it, but there’s one thing that really bothers me.

When they say “sing” what do they mean?

Sing as in making sounds with your mouth or as in singing like Britney Spears?

It seems like these two things are very different!

For now I’ll just stick with pretending to be an air guitar player.

Table of Contents

First, you need to know how to sing.

This is a prerequisite. Nuff said.

But, I’m no singer?

I’m not a singer either!

A lot of people are intimidated by singing, because they think it’s a special talent.

But remember, we all speak English

If you can do that, you can sing! I promise.

But I suck at singing?

No, you don’t.

The first time we try anything new, it’s going to be weird.

It takes a while to get used to because we are using muscles that we don’t normally use.

This is normal, and you will get better with practice.

But I don’t have time to practice?

Every musician has to practice!

Practice is just playing for no one, so you can get better.

You will play a lot better in front of people if you take the time to practice.

Next, you need to know how to play guitar.

But I’m no musician?

I’m not a musician either!

This is another thing that people get intimidated by.

They think it’s a special talent.

But remember, we all speak English

If you can do that, you can play guitar!

I promise.

But I suck at playing guitar?

No, you don’t.

The first time we try anything new, it’s going to be weird.

It takes a while to get used to because it’s using muscles that we don’t normally use.

This is normal, and you will get better with practice.

Now that you have the basics down, all that’s left is finding a song and practicing!

Find a song that you like.

Find out the chords, and lyrics.

The best way to do this is look it up online.

If you have an iPhone or an iPad, I have an app called Sheet Music for it.

It has a guitar tab and chord dictionary in it.

Also, there are lots of websites and apps that will help you figure this out.

You can use the chord dictionary to find what chords are in a song.

Here’s an example.

For the song “Cold Wind Blows” by Eminem

Here’s an example of a chord dictionary entry for Cold Wind Blows:

The main thing to figure out is the melody.

What notes are sung, or played on your guitar?

Once you have that figured out, then it’s easier to figure out the chords that go with it.

But I don’t know any songs?

Songs are everywhere!

Here are a few places to find songs

1. Find sheet music on the web.

2 Figure out a song you know by ear.

You already did this when you learned how to speak English!

When you learn something, half of it is from reading, and half of it is from hearing.

3. Find a song you like that everyone else hates!

No one will know what you are doing either.

4. there is a lot of “experimental” music out there.

A lot of musicians experiment with their song writing, and you can use the same techniques without knowing how to play or write songs.

Find a song in your vocal range and start playing chords on your guitar while singing along with it.

In your vocal range, you are able to hit the notes of a chord.

If it’s outside of your vocal range, then it will be hard to sing along with it.

Try to sing along with the song without straining your voice!

If it hurts, you are doing something wrong.

Try these things

1. Use the same size mouth and throat you use to talk.

It’s harder to get a large sound from a small opening.

2. Don’t sing from your throat.

Sing from your diaphragm, which is the muscle under your lungs.

3. don’t squeeze your throat when you sing.

It’s like going to the bathroom, you want to push it out, not squeeze it in!

4. don’t push air through your vocal cords.

This is how you get hoarse and have vocal problems from singing.

5. If it’s hard to sing, then don’t sing!

It’s easy to fall into the trap of singing along with a song because you want to be like the radio, but your voice is special.

If this doesn’t work for some reason or if you want to try something different, find another song.

Try something like these

1. Sing with a chorus or a background vocal.

This will be easier to sing along with because there is are more voices to cover you up.

2. Sing with a beat that you can dance to.

This will make it easier to sing as well!

3. pick a song that is about the same volume level.

If one song is too loud, then find a quiet one. You need consistency so your vocal cords know how hard to press together when you sing.

Keep trying until you find one that works well with both instruments.

Keep trying and practise with that song.

You will get better with practice!

Keep singing along with the song for 30 minutes or a hour each day.

Don’t push too hard-singing is just like exercise in that you don’t want to overexert yourself.

If I sing a lot, will I get better?

Your vocal cords need time to rest. Don’t sing too much!

If you practice singing three hours a day, then take one day off each week.

You can do more if your throat doesn’t hurt or it’s not sore, but don’t push yourself until you’re hoarse!

If it hurts when you are done, and you can’t talk either.

Take a break the next day.”

How long will it take to be able to play and sing for an hour?

“…it depends on how hard you work!”

It won’t happen overnight, but like anything else in life (like learning guitar) the more you do it, the easier it gets.

So practise regularly every day! Singing along to your guitar will get easier and more fun as you practise, so don’t give up.

“But I sound like a washing machine!”

If you’re worried that you won’t be able to hold a note or that your voice will crack, then don’t worry-it takes time for everyone!

You can use the same things above to help with this.

One thing that helps me is taking deep breaths before singing along with my guitar.

Your diaphragm is the best muscle for breathing because it’s under where all of the air pressure is in your lungs-this also gives you more air inside of your vocal cords if there are any air leaks!

When you push out air from your mouth, most people breathe from their throat, but that can hurt your voice.

When I practice singing.

I always sing through an exercise of breathing and learning how to breathe better with my diaphragm.

Then when I practise singing along with a song, I will take deep breaths before each chorus or verse in order to make sure that there is enough air inside of my vocal cords, so they don’t get damaged or sore from overworking!

This has helped me a lot.”


With these tips, you don’t have to be a professional musician to sound like one.

All it takes is the right song and some practice!

Have any of your friends tried this method for learning how to sing or play guitar?

If not, let them know that they can do it too with just a little creativity!