Singing In Choir – How To Sing In A Choir

Choirs are a great way to learn how to sing and have fun with friends.

Choirs can be very competitive, so if you’re looking for a laid back choir that focuses on the joy of singing then this post is for you! 

In this blog we will talk about what a choir is, etiquette tips, and benefits of being in one. So let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is a choir

A choir has many different meanings depending on your definition.

It could be an organized group of singers who rehearse together or it could also mean “to sing as part of an ensemble.”

What does it matter though?

If you’re interested in joining one then why not give it try! The best thing about choirs is they are all so different.

The best way to find a choir that fits your style is to try out a few and play around with them!

That being said, I will give you some helpful information on what makes the difference between an amateur or a professional choir.

What makes a professional choir?

Professional choirs usually pay their singers between $15-$30 a session.

This is because they often do performances outside of their rehearsals and/or practice at night.

In order to pay for gas, lodging, and food while on tour, the professional choirs charge more.

What makes an amateur choir?

Amateur choirs are those that don’t pay their singers.

They often have rehearsals after school or on weekends. They also may do a few performances throughout the year, but nothing too fancy.

The biggest difference between professional and amateur choirs is the cost to join them, which we will discuss shortly.

Choir etiquette and tips

Choir etiquette is pretty simple when compared to other types of etiquette.

1. Be on time!

It is rude and disrespectful to the rest of the choir if you are late.

I understand things come up, but if you can’t make it to rehearsal on time then don’t worry!

No one will judge you.

There are some choirs that have rehearsals only once a week so you still have plenty of time to show up.

Be on time, or be respectful enough to not make others wait for you!

2- Bring your music and lyrics when possible!

No one likes holding back the rehearsal just because someone forgot their music at home.

3- Be well prepared!

The more prepared you are, the better rehearsal will go.

You may not think it matters what you wear, but trust me.

You do not want to be the one who has to stand out in a sea of black and white by wearing bright colors or neon.

This goes for all types of choirs: men, women, and children.

4- Be kind at all times!

This is one of the most important things to remember when you are in a choir.

Everyone deserves respect no matter how talented they may be.

There are a few things to remember when you are trying out for a choir.

1- You may not be the best singer, but that doesn’t mean you’ve been rejected.

Most choirs have pre-auditions.

This is where the directors look at your talent and decide if you are worth bringing in for an audition.

A lot of people think they have been rejected if they make it this far, but that is not the case!

2- You will be asked to sing a cappella. This means you have to use your voice and nothing else. No recorded music, no instruments, just you!

3- If it says “try out tomorrow,” then make sure you are there on time. If not, they may look at you as rude and disrespectful.

4- If you are asked to sing in front of the choir, then use common sense! Do not talk or move until directed to. You do not want to break your concentration or risk embarrassing yourself in front of the rest of the group.

5- Make sure you know what music you are going to be singing before you get there.

Benefits of being in a choir

There are many benefits of being in a choir. Here are some of the most common ones I have found:

1- It teaches you discipline and how to practice .

If you are a part of a school choir then it is very likely that your rehearsal schedule and practices will be at the same time every day.

If not, then I suggest going to practice everyday no matter what! It gets to be habit after awhile, but it helps keep you in line when you have more important things going on like sports or homework.  

2- Singing rallies stress.

When you sing with others, singing becomes a competition of who can out-sing the other person rather than how well each person sounds individually.

This helps relieve some stress off of students and helps them become more confident in their ability to sing.

3- You meet new people.

When forming a group of people together for something there is going to be a lot of diversity.

It teaches you how to get along with people who may be different than you, and how to turn differences into strengths.

4- You have an outlet.

Sometimes we all need a way to release our emotions or pent up stress. A large group of people singing together provides that relief for many people.  

5- You become more confident.

This is especially important for younger children who are just learning the basics of singing in front of others.

Confidence will come with time and experience, but it can also be learned through determination and hard work!

6- It gives back to you personally.

Something about singing has always made me feel better when I am upset or depressed about something.

The rhythm of the music or singing with a group around me seems to help my situation or worry go away for just awhile.

If you have never been in choir before, then I encourage you to give it a try!

It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, there is room in every type of choir for new members.

Most people join because they enjoy singing, but there are some who join because they see potential and learn to love the activity as much as any other member!

Types of choirs and their roles

There are many types of choirs, and it takes a lot to make each one work. Here is an example of the types you might encounter when becoming involved in a choir.

1- Church choirs.

A church choir is the most common type of all choirs, and they serve many purposes. Choir members can be children or adults and they sing a variety of music for worship services, concerts, weddings and other events.

2- Community choirs.

A community choir is like the church choir except it does not serve any religious purpose.

Often times people have trouble reaching out to others because they do not know what to say to them, but singing together breaks down barriers and helps people communicate in way that is meaningful and powerful.

3- School choirs.

School choirs are usually associated with middle schools or high schools, but there are also some university level choirs as well! 

4- Professional choirs.

If you want to be famous then this might be the place for you!

These choirs are very popular because they are often seen on television, and people pay a lot of money to have them in their performances.

5- Honor choirs.

Honor choirs are usually associated with high schools or universities, but you can also join these without being in school! This is for students who have extraordinarily high vocal ranges and musical talent.  

A choir can be a group of people, an institution or an organization.

The word “choir” was first used in the 14th century, but the idea of choirs dates back to at least the 6th century.

Choirs were originally created to provide professional singers for cathedrals and monasteries, but today choirs are used in entertainment, as well as for religious and other functions.

There are many types of choirs today including church, professional, school and honor choirs.  

Choirs often take part in competitions called “festivals” to show off their hard work over the course of a year.  

Choirs are often associated with religious worship.

Many people think that church choirs are the only type that exists, but this isn’t true.

There are community and school choirs that may have different purposes for being in existence.

Church choirs are often associated with cathedrals and monasteries, but there are also churches that have their own choirs made up of people from their own community.

Community choirs are often associated with colleges, universities and high schools, but they can also be found in small churches and other organizations that share a common interest like music or dancing.

School choirs are typically associated with middle schools or high schools.  Some university level choirs can be as well!  

Professional choirs are often seen on television programs and at major events because people pay large amounts of money for them to perform there.

Honor choirs are very difficult groups to be in because they have the highest expectations when it comes to musical talent and skill.

These groups often give concerts that showcase just how talented they really are!

The history of the church choir and its origins.

 Choirs were first used in the 6th century, but they didn’t really get popular until the 14th century.  

The first official use of a choir was made during a mass by an archdeacon from Paris named Pérotin who is also known as Perotin. 

In those days people did not usually have music at religious services because there were no instruments to play or singers to sing, so churches needed something to bring more meaning and emotion into their religious lives.

Perotin used his own words for chants and blended them with flute melodies that he had written himself.  He then added two more voices to make it like a trio.

He wanted it to be enough that they could have some sort of variety at mass.  He didn’t do it to be creative; he did it because there was a need for it and he created something that would fill the gap.  

The idea of modern day choirs really began in England, Germany and Italy.

A lot of them are still made up of men from church choirs, but there are now also many women who are part of these groups as well. 

Singing in a choir can help you develop your musical skills as well as social skills such as leadership qualities

your musical skills will grow and you may even be able to apply them to other parts of your life.

Singing in a choir can also help you develop relationships with others and allow you to become part of a community because you will be spending so much time together, choir members become like a family.

They also can help you to develop and grow as a person.  

Some people believe that singing in a choir can also help you develop your faith and deepen your spiritual life.  

Choirs can help you to be more aware of yourself as a person and make you become more confident.  

Joining a choir

So you’re interested in joining a choir, but how do you make sure you join the right one? What should you be looking for?

You obviously want to find a group that has people who share similar interests with you, but other than that what should you be looking for?

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

What kind of choir do I want to join?

Do I want to sing classical or contemporary music? Do I have preferences in age range and gender of the singers? What kind of music do I currently like?

These are great questions to ask yourself! Try answering these as best you can, then go from there. 

If you feel like it’s time to join a choir, but don’t know where to look or start the search all over again because you tried one and didn’t like it, don’t worry!  I have a few ideas for you to get you started.

1) Search your local churches and see if they have a choir that’s looking for new members or has openings.  If you don’t know where to begin your search, start there! 

2) Look online at your local music store and see if they have any choirs you might be interested in.

They aren’t all going to be there, but you never know what might pop up.

If not, do some searching to see if online choirs are available in your area.

3) Check out community colleges that offer music programs and see if there’s a choir you could be part of!

4) Check out your local churches again to see if they have any listings of other choirs you might be interested in.  

5) Look up local schools and see if there’s a music program available for you to join.  


Choirs offer a chance to improve your musical skills and socialize in an environment where everyone is on the same level.

Joining a choir can be rewarding, challenging, fun and even spiritual if that’s what you are looking for.

A good start would be googling “choir near me” or visiting your local church website – they may have information about any choirs affiliated with them!

The benefits of joining a choir range from developing leadership qualities to making lifelong friends, so no matter why you’re interested in being part of one it’s worth checking out!